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Number line estimation strategies in children with mathematical learning difficulties measured by eye tracking




INTRODUCTION: Number line estimation is one of the skills related to mathematical performance. Previous research has shown that eye tracking can be used to identify differences in the estimation strategies children with dyscalculia and children with typical mathematical development use on number line estimation tasks. The current study extends these findings to a larger group of children with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). METHOD: A group of 9-11-year-old children with MLD (N = 14) was compared to a control group of children without math difficulties (N = 14). Number line estimation was measured using a 0-100 and a 0-1000 number-to-position task. A Tobii T60 eye tracker was used to measure the children's eye movements during task performance. RESULTS: The behavioral data showed that the children with MLD had higher error scores on both number lines than the children in the control group. The eye tracking data showed that the groups also differed in their estimation strategies. The children with MLD showed less adaptation of their estimation strategies to the number to be estimated. CONCLUSION: This study shows that children with MLD attend to different features of the number line than children without math difficulties. Children with math difficulties are less capable of adapting their estimation strategies to the numbers to be estimated and of effectively using reference points on the number line.
机译:简介:数线估计是与数学表现有关的技能之一。先前的研究表明,眼动追踪可用于识别估计错误的儿童中有旋流困难的儿童和具有典型数学发展能力的儿童在数字线估计任务上的差异。当前的研究将这些发现扩展到了更多的数学学习障碍(MLD)儿童群体。方法:将一组9-11岁的MLD儿童(N = 14)与一个没有数学困难的对照组(N = 14)进行比较。使用0-100和0-1000数字到位置任务测量数字行估计。使用Tobii T60眼动仪测量任务执行过程中儿童的眼球运动。结果:行为数据表明,MLD患儿在两个数字线上的错误评分均高于对照组患儿。眼动数据显示,各组的估计策略也不同。患有MLD的儿童显示出他们的估计策略对估计数量的适应性降低。结论:这项研究表明,与没有数学障碍的儿童相比,患有MLD的儿童在数字线上的表现方式有所不同。数学有困难的孩子没有能力将他们的估计策略适应要估计的数字,也无法有效地使用数字线上的参考点。



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